Poster is in good shape and hanging from walls all over town, hoping for a really good turn out, estimating bringing in $500 per show, that is my goal anyway. Need to create the Seminar handout so we can start getting sign ups, figure out what photos will go in the slide show, have receipts that can be filled out for any major donations, get the raffle together, have a table set up near the door that captures people's attention, maybe a free cookie or slice of pumpkin roll. Bake sale. So profit centers are a percentage of the take on that night which works out to us taking all the beer money, a wash and it should work out great. Raffle should bring in $100, plus the 100 from the bar take and 100 from donation at 20 people at 5 per, and half of the tips, less the artist rate. And then, the bigger donations for the bridge lift and to support Vern. I hope this works as a fundraiser...
Then engineer suggested that we do the following work while the bridge is stil over the water and until it gets lifted. Should I pursue with Peterson Contractors?
- The transverse outrigger support member under the bridge is hanging
down ready to catch debris. We should attempt to pull it up or
partially remove it so it doesn't hang down.
- Some of the stiffening (x-bracing and top strut) between the arches
will add stability to these eccentrically loaded members due to the
- There may be other areas we could reinforce or ideas to catch debris
before it hits the bridge that could be considered.
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