Trying to find yet another engineer that wants to take on this project. Snyder & Associates declined, but provided referals to Shive Hattery in Des Moines/Iowa City or Calhoun Burns in West Des Moines. I've contacted SH and Steve Bradley was putting out an email regarding our project. We'll see if we can find the right Iowa engineer.
The weather has pushed the timeline on our project back and quite frankly, decided a few issues. We are so close to having the finalized documents regarding our legal status, but in reality 2010 is most likely when that will happen. With the big snow, it's unlikely that we will be able to get the rip rap done on the banks, still hoping that the DNR will take down the trees that were undercut and leaning over the bridge, Mark V, says that the road will be grated soon, but it will be our responsibility to rock it for the heavy equipment that will be required.
After meeting with Rick on Thursday, more was made clear. we are going to put our resources towards experts, the engineer, and grantwriting in the near term. Plans are going forward for a fundraising event in March of 2010, I'm seeing something that includes food, of course, heavy h'ordeurves and cocktails, mini desserts, music, the Grinnell Community Center, and a raucous auction and a raffle. Bingo for prizes, why not. Keep people engaged and having fun, while donating to a good cause. We will need a sound system for this event, and perhaps a headliner with Shame Train opening. Just my vision, if anyone is actually reading this, perhaps you have your own vision.
This gives us the beginning of a timeline and project outline. Off and running into the new year.
Give yourselves a pat on the back, we saved the bridge from demolition. Please, think good thoughts about keeping it upright until the spring.
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