Monday, December 28, 2009

The Last Monday in 2009

I spent the day with a Project Management book, managed to take notes, start the main network diagram & chart of stuff to do. the more details the better at this point.

Worked well without internet and then off to the cafe to check in with the world. That seems to be an ok way to do this travel thing. It helps that the phone can check email, it's a new world.

Continuing to upgrade the first part of the grants as well. each part I fill in makes it easier to fill in the next part.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Surfaced In Denver

And we survived the holidays. Late last week I heard from both Vern and Mark from Michigan regarding working on the project. Looks like everything goes forward with them in the New Year.

I also spoke with Pete B regarding the use of the river by rafts, canoes, and kayaks. He said that they were trying to get somehting going at Lindon House in Lynnville, which would be just upstream from us. Since we are doing things to the river and talking with ACE, it may behooove us to work together on this stretch of the river. I have several articles to read that he sent to me.

Also have a new phone with internest and email. It makes traveling quite fun. Almost instant communications, no more trying to find that hotspot and then find out you don't need it. I haven't figured out how to blog yet.

Friday, December 18, 2009


We had an important board meeting last night. I wish everyone could have been there. The decision was rendered to make us more formal with an LLC and a board of directors. My role has changed to Executive Director as of the new year. I will be reporting to the board about all things bridge, the progress and status of grant writing and proposals, how we are proceeding with the engineer and a Scope of Project. We all have our deadlines but, we have saved the bridge, now it is important to focus now on getting the bridge fixed.

Monday, December 14, 2009

midway thru December

Calls today to Mark Vavrock, re the road and the trees
George Drake - Dick suggested I call,
Rick - think we need a meeting before I go out of town

take the time to take everyone's measure about how we go forward from here. We are poised to start the hard work, need to find out if/or what that we are all on the same page.

Have moved the Whinnie to a friends driveway for now and then hopefully off to permanent storage. Need to really work on storing and packing it away.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

More has been revealed

Trying to find yet another engineer that wants to take on this project. Snyder & Associates declined, but provided referals to Shive Hattery in Des Moines/Iowa City or Calhoun Burns in West Des Moines. I've contacted SH and Steve Bradley was putting out an email regarding our project. We'll see if we can find the right Iowa engineer.

The weather has pushed the timeline on our project back and quite frankly, decided a few issues. We are so close to having the finalized documents regarding our legal status, but in reality 2010 is most likely when that will happen. With the big snow, it's unlikely that we will be able to get the rip rap done on the banks, still hoping that the DNR will take down the trees that were undercut and leaning over the bridge, Mark V, says that the road will be grated soon, but it will be our responsibility to rock it for the heavy equipment that will be required.

After meeting with Rick on Thursday, more was made clear. we are going to put our resources towards experts, the engineer, and grantwriting in the near term. Plans are going forward for a fundraising event in March of 2010, I'm seeing something that includes food, of course, heavy h'ordeurves and cocktails, mini desserts, music, the Grinnell Community Center, and a raucous auction and a raffle. Bingo for prizes, why not. Keep people engaged and having fun, while donating to a good cause. We will need a sound system for this event, and perhaps a headliner with Shame Train opening. Just my vision, if anyone is actually reading this, perhaps you have your own vision.

This gives us the beginning of a timeline and project outline. Off and running into the new year.

Give yourselves a pat on the back, we saved the bridge from demolition. Please, think good thoughts about keeping it upright until the spring.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How can it be a week later, I'll tell you.

I guess the first thing I need to get is the ability to get on the internet without having to find wireless and power to do that. I've moved again, after spending nearly a week near my friends Jaydine and Ed, in their neighbors driveway, I'm downtown Grinnell, tucked up close to GameTime, preparing for a winter storm with inches of snow, and the likelihood that I will be snowed in for some time.

I wasn't intending to stay this long in Iowa, but the bridge has definitely intruded on my life, in many ways.

We had a fundraiser last week and now have money in our coffers to use for further fundraising possibilities. That is good. Rude Dog & Friends put on a great show at State Street Station on Saturday night, we had great chili that Larry made, and cornbread, cinnamon rolls, cakes, crackers and cocktail. The raffle was well received, always important to have prizes on hand (I learned that from the Grateful Dead Kid's Room at shows - BINGO FOR PRIZES).

Thursday we get together to go over the bids and really asses where we are at and where we are going. I'm afraid that the snow has limited our chances of getting the road to the bridge grated before the freeze sets in. This is really too bad because the trees were also not removed. Call Mark and see what the land manager says.

On the other hand I'm told that we should be seeing our agreement with Greater Poweshiek Community Foundation and with the County Attorney soon. All are working together to work out the details. Yeah.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 1, a Tuesday

Time to move the Whinnie to town, get ready for the event on Saturday, Chili Supper and Rude Dog & Friends. Rudy assures me that it is going to be quite an event, all kinds of people who have played with him in the past are coming to town. We should raise a lot of money! yeah and that is the point. Iowa Musicians are really some of the best, it should be a lot of fun. Advertising is out, tell all of our friends.

FUND RAISING. I still have no news from nobody. Perhaps this will be the day. But once I'm in town I will grab the binder, print more stuff from emails of last week and figure out when we are going to meet regarding estimates and stuff.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday, MONDAY

Back in Iowa, already have the computer set up and am working quickly to contact the board regarding bid info and Saturday's Fundraiser with Rude Dog & Friends, preceded by a Chili Supper. Anyone interested may attend. I will get the word to the newspapers as well, but was hoping that more regarding our legal status would be revealed early this week.

Vern Mesler sent his Craftsmens Newsletter. He quoted Dick first thing. You should check his work out at And we remain featured on, with a wonderful article on the history of our bowstring, pictures of connector details, and Stone Soup. Just wonderful.

I've got a lot of printing to do to add to the binder, thankfully it was found at Burling Library, and all that work compiling information was lost. Thanks Pam.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Week in Colorado

But the virtual world should allow for continued blogging. I've talked with yet another engineer from Snider & Associates, Don Marner, about rip rap sign off for the work that Peterson has estimated. However, Peterson just revised their fee for rip rap because of a quarry going out. I have a meeting next week with Brad Manatt, maybe that is where they can fit in and get us a good price.

Also getting info from Living History Farms. That is fun. Long term thinking.

The ad was approved for the PennySaver and Rick was going to go pay for it.

Rick and I talked about getting together for a formal meeting to go over the estimates. This won't be a board meeting, but anyone is welcome, probably at Bierman & Bierman. We are still waiting on GPCF, but it is the holiday. Still waiting on County input as well, but going forward with the idea of restoration is how we've sold this company.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Meeting Today

4:00pm State Street Station

consider this public notice if anyone is out there reading this blog.

Agenda has been defined, the binder has been put together with all of the paperwork I've generated in the last 6 weeks. It's cool. Needs work.

Treasurer's Report finished

Now I can go watch the ballgame.

Go Hawks.!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Finish putting together the agenda for tomorrow's meeting.

Use clear plastic sheets and put together the binder.

Print out this weeks blog so that it also can be in the binder for those that aren't following online.

Friday Friday

Figured out the first fundraising gig for the bridge. Rude Dog & Friends, Saturday December 5, 7:30 start time. 5:00 - 7 Chili Supper with Cinnamon Rolls and Corn Bread.
Should be delicious.

Still waiting on other news. Make this a day with lots of phone calls please.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thursdays Rock!

Perseverance Furthers. Spent a few minutes showing Larry Bryan the conceptual bid from Peterson. He says that another access is available on the west side, I've just never done that area, and won't be today with all of the rain we've had. Guess I'll call Mark today and get that information. We also discussed having a Chili Supper at State Street, as a pay event to keep fundraising going.

Justin has given me the name of an engineer out of Des Moines, Greg Gear, that Cork suggested might work with us. Be nice to get a local and to get some drawings done of our little neck of the woods and river, who might work with the Michigan experts. I'm calling. Answer only does buildings and structures. Ok, so Greg referred me to Snider & Associates out of Ankeny, who now own Shuck-Britson, where I started my calls a month ago. Brent Culp was out, but I left a message.

I emailed the County, asking about the progress of the process of getting the land to us so that we can do the work. They said two weeks last week, but a little nudge is ok.

Same thing for the GPCF, we need to know soonish, if we are working with them. Otherwise we need to do this ourselves. It is difficult to push the fundraising before that. Although local fundraising with the t-shirts and emroidered patch are well worth pursuing now.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hump Day

So yesterday was hardly exciting at all. Which meant that I better get on with it today. I did hear from Justin Clausen at Peterson Contractors, with a preliminary estimate on bank protection for the bridge.

I then input both his proposal and the one from Spicer Group, the structural engineers into my own CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT database. Yippee.

I then spoke with Gene Walsh of the Army Corps of Engineers. and this is what he said. That we were not part of special waters in Iowa, so that makes permitting easier. That our 1st phase of bank armoring around the bridge abutments could probably be handled in 2-4 weeks. We need to submit the application, the contractors estimate, and drawings of the site view and cross section detailing height, width, the amount of cubic feet that the are going to need of rip rap, and how many feet this will go out into the water. Also send pictures. Hand drawn is ok. He also needs to know if we are on a 2x1 or 3x1 pitch from the banks.

Just copied that back to the contractors, so good blogging.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday it is.

I'm betting it will be a big Tuesday, and that all those people that are supposed to call me will. All with great news!.

Then I'm off the the Libary to do more research.

I sent my application for the Wall Service Award to Kevin Crim, in the writing lab at Grinnell College. He is one of the best writers that I know and dedicated to helping others write more better!

The quest to find clear plastic pages for a binder has become more difficult. It may have to wait until I get to the city. I just have so much research that needs to go in the binder but would be better safeguarded by plastic.

I also worked through most of the grant possibilities that I currently have in the database, detailing them into categories of what they allow and what they don't allow, deadlines, etc. I still need to tweak the databases together but for now everything is logged in there somewhere.

Monday, November 16, 2009


The Mission of the Friends of the Skunk River Bridge

• research every aspect of the bridge from history to current usage –
make sure that all avenues for restoration are explored

• restore the bridge to a condition bearing non-motorized traffic

• find the volunteers and funding available for:
bridge restoration • bank protection
entry/approaches • education

• If, after an exhaustive attempt has been made and there is no recourse,
make sure the bridge has a safe home
work to replace the structure with a bridge,
keep the park accessible for all.

The Organizing Committee

Julie Bowers - Chair
Rick Bierman - Treasurer
Pam Montgomery - Secretary
Larry Bryan
Dick Bowers
Stevie Ehler
Diane Eakins
Stephanie Johnson
Jack Montgomery

Organized October 10, 2009mission

a newer version of the logo

Winter Weather Advisory

or three days of rain for us It's November 16, and probably time to put the Whinnie away for the winter, or go South! I am waiting for information from several sources, just chill and work on the TO DO List.


Yesterday, I printed out 14 emails from Dan McCain of the Wabash and Erie Canal Park. A lot of information about how Vern Mesler worked with a group of Friends and M-W-F-morning volunteers (retired guys) to move and restore their own bowstring bridge to become part of a larger Park. I swear I didn't read these pages before I was thinking big, but it is nice to know that we are no longer alone. And we are going to have to purchase a pneumatic rivet hammer.

Dan says, " Vern talked with me on Friday about your project. We must have some things in common. You have a bowstring and so do we. That first restoration of the bowstring was just 10 years ago. Vern and Nan came when we were working on our second iron bridge restoration two years ago."

I have the info printed in the Bridge Book if anyone wants to read.

Fundraising - the t-shirt and embroidery design has to be finished this week. These need to be under everyone's Christmas tree. Where can we sell?

Meeting with Sam: I need to fine tune the database.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

To do - not exactly a list

Today's To Do List.

because all I did yesterday was clean and watch Iowa/Ohio State. Man, what a game. It's too bad our side lost but really bodes well for the future of more fun Iowa football. Go Hawks!.

While at the game I told Leslie Wright, curator of the Faulkner Gallery at Grinnell College about my plans to apply for a Wall Service Award. She offered up my first recommendation. I need a lot. But that means it is time to get on that application.

Yesterday I also watched Saddle Up with Dennis Brouse, one of my favorite public television shows. Someday I will have a horse. One of the segments showed Living History Farms, I haven't been there since a school trip long ago.

That, along with Rose Rohr's advice to DREAM BIG, made me think we can do something equally significant and educational with our river area. Stillwell, is still on the map, a junction of road/railroad near the river, and Millgrove, only a dream were both platted towns. I need to find out exactly when and what happened. It seems like the yin of the yang of how Grinnell was settled, and certainly would augment the Wegman mill just upriver in Lynnville (where I've been told the millstone from Millgrove still lives) and the new transportation museum being created in Grinnell. Add to that a possibility of a Poweshiek County Museum, in the old jail in Montezuma, our county starts to look like a real place for people to want to come. People talk about Moore's Station all the time. What did it look like? Where was it exactly?

"If you build it, they will come." The mantra from Field of Dreams - does that work for earlier history as well as it does for baseball.

So beginning that application is on the list.

The engineer from Peterson Contractors emailed and he will call on Monday, and perhaps we will hear from Greater Poweshiek Community Foundation whether they have accepted us under their charitable umbrella. If not we have to get our own 501C3 status, and that will take some time.

Mark said that he would get a crew down to the river Monday or Tuesday to clear the trees that have been severely undercut by erosion, one is already just sitting in the river, and the other is leaning towards the bridge. If we had done this last year, we might not be looking at repairs this year. Vern agrees with Dad, that the tree got lodged into the bridge structure, and then iced up and created a jam.

Once that is done we need to cable the bridge to other trees, as suggested by Vern and Nathan. This will help stabilize the bridge from this winter's weather and certain flooding in the spring. Of course, we now also need to rock the lane so that heavier equipment can get down to the bridge, 40 loads of new dirt will be a little fresh for our needs, but in the long run, not a bad idea at all. It's just that the ruts I saw were over a foot deep. My jeep can't do that!

plenty to do,

I expect that I should contact Andrew Leichty from ACE, and I look forward to hearing from the National Guard. I emailed on Friday regarding a suggestion by Doug Shutts, of the Supervisors, who thought the Guard might like this riprap project for training purposes. Always support the troops!

And the logo, I still need help with that. Jim hasn't had the time and I really don't have the expertise. Dad likes Nathans photo of the bridge better so I will email him and ask if we can use it for our hat/t-shirts. I'm okay with the photo of the bridge in kinder times as the logo for the friends and will work to refine it this week.

Then time to really work with Sam on the fundraising/grantwriting plan of action. This means that the mission statement needs to be tweaked, then written down. Living History Farms had some great documentation on their website.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Onward - it's Friday

So I really will start to blog everyday about things Bridge related. It's been a long month of gathering information, doing research, creating a committee and an identity, fundraising, and talking on the phone.

This week was the proof. A Conservation Board meeting on Tuesday, where we discussed what our group has been doing, I as nervous, a lot of Umm's. Thursday with the Supervisors was easier, that was like going out for coffee with friends.

Bottom line: all are with us. and simply if I have this right, the CB voted to not put more money into the bridge, then the Supervisors thought that the bridge would fall in the river and it would be a crisis and removal from the river expensive, so they decided to demolish the bridge, scrap it with a net cost of about 10,000 bucks. so

When we step in with money and a plan that is a win/win for everyone. We have permission to go ahead with tree removal, working with the CB because they still manage the land. Then we will get a cable in there to strengthen the bridge over the winter, from high water and ice pressure.

Then we get to the plans for rip rap. Turns out my oldest sister Anne was friends with the owner of Peterson Contractors, who I called weeks ago, and had one of their engineers out last week. Bottom line in this case, he had lost Anne's address a while ago, and would have Justin call me soon. I was a call out of the blue for him and he answered his own phone early in the morning so that was good!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Skunk River Bridge at Mill Grove Access

This is the place for all things bowstring, bridge that is. Our group, Friends of the Skunk River Bridge, have a mission to preserve a bridge that was slated for demolition. We have researched and are looking for sympathetic preservationist engineers. Look for more news here as it comes in.
